BC 20. Personal Papers and Collections
Found in 51 Collections and/or Records:
Alessandra Comini Diaries and Letters
This collection of letters and diaries provides a lens into the teenage and college years of American art historian, Alessandra Comini. The bulk of the letters are from her mother, writing to Comini at Barnard College. The diaries chronicle Comini's travels abroad.
Alice Duer Miller Papers
Amy Loveman Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alumna Amy Loveman.
Annie Nathan Meyer Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers, correspondence, manuscripts, publications, and scrapbooks of Barnard college founder and trustee, Annie Nathan Meyer.
Carol M. Franz Letters
Letters and memorabilia of Carol M. Franz '36, mainly from her service with the American Red Cross and U.S. State Department in Europe during World War II and shortly after the war.
Caroline King Duer Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Caroline King Duer.
Champe Carter Winston Papers
Duer Family Papers
This collection consists of typewritten and handwritten manuscript history of the Durer family compiled by Alice Duer Miller.
Edwidge Danticat Papers
Edwidge Danticat (1969-, BC ‘90) is a Haitian-American writer. Her papers document her writing process, through drafts, research materials, notes, and published works; the reception of her work, through reviews, coverage, interviews, and documentation and recordings of public appearances; and personal and professional milestones, through journals, scrapbooks, and photographs.
Elizabeth Meads Duer Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Elizabeth Meands Duer.
Emma Hyman Selligman
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alumna, Emma Hyman Selligman.
Flora Davidson Papers
The Flora Davidson Collection contains materials relating to the professional and administrative work of Barnard alumna and faculty member Flora Davidson, who taught at the college from 1973 until her retirement in July of 2014, in the Political Science and Urban Studies departments.
Helen H. Bacon Papers
This collection consists of the research papers and class materials of Helen H. Bacon, a former faculty member of the Greek and Latin Department at Barnard College and Columbia University. It includes materials related to her published works, lectures and talks as well as course outlines, exams and notes for classes, student papers, transcripts, diplomas, travel journals and personal correspondence.
Helen Rogers Reid Papers
This collection consists of materials from Barnard College alumna and Trustee, Helen Rogers Reid.
Idris Rossell Collection
This collection consists of Barnard alumna Idris Rossell's papers, correspondance, and research material from the government positions she held, which directly advocated for women’s equality in the work force.
Isabel Malone Letters
This collection consists of the letters of Barnard College alumna Isabel Malone.
Jean Miller Rich Papers
This collection contains materials documenting Jean Miller Rich's personal life and her time at Barnard College, including correspondence, school notebooks, class materials, orientation materials, Barnard event programs, Barnard publications, and Barnard newspaper clippings.
Jean T. Palmer Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College employee Jean T. Palmer. The collection includes diplomas, citations, news clippings, awards, and oral history transcripts.
Jessy Emilie Young Papers
This collection contains select personal correspondence of and a yearbook belonging to Jessy Emilie Young.
Joan Vincent Papers
This collection consists of fieldwork and research materials generated by Joan E. Vincent, Professor of Anthropology at Barnard College. The collection includes ethnographic fieldwork, archival research, drafts and unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, and photographs. Vincent’s work focused primarily on the impact of British colonization on the people of Uganda and Northern Ireland.
Joseph Gerard Brennan Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers for former Barnard College faculty member, Joseph Gerard Brennan.
Joy Greenberg Papers
These papers consists of personal materials from alumna Joy Greenberg's (nee Horner) time as a student at Barnard College (1967-1971).
Judith Leverone Papers
Papers of Judith Leverone Christopher '53, including letters and journals from her time at Barnard, essays and coursework from Barnard, original scripts, writing, and photographs.
Judith Terry Smith Papers
Katharine Payne Moseley Papers
Lee Goodwin Papers and Ephemera
This collection consists of the papers and ephemera of Lee Goodwin.
Lucy Lewton Papers
This collection consists of the scrapbooks and correspondence of Barnard College alumna Lucy Lewton.
Lucyle Hook Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of former Barnard College professor, Lucyle Hook.
Margaret Eugenia Wilson Papers
This collection consists of the papers of Margaret Eugenia Wilson, Barnard class of 1929.
Margaret Holland Physical Education Faculty Papers
The Margaret Holland Papers includes correspondence, handbooks, publications, and clippings from Margaret Holland's time as Barnard College's Physical Education Department Chair and materials from after her retirement.
Margaret L. Wadds photos, clippings, and other material
The collection consists of photographs, clippings, and educational documents from the life of Margaret Wadds, Barnard class of 1931. It consists primarily of travel and snapshot photography, as well as older photographs and clippings from her childhood and early life.
Marion Haskell Girlhood Notebooks and "Character Books"
This collection is comprised of four notebooks created by Marion Haskell (Barnard class of 1921) during the years 1910-1913 when she was between the ages of 11 and 13.
Marion Shaycoft Papers
Marion Shaycoft (1917-2014, Barnard class of 1938) was an education researcher from Brooklyn, New York who specialized in testing, statistics, and sampling. The contents of the Marion Shaycoft Papers include academic records, personal history materials, and sample test forms that she designed.
Martha Hollister Boynton Wheeler Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Martha Hollister Boynton Wheeler. It includes correspondence between friends, employees, and family; financial papers; memorabilia; and photographs. The collection also includes a booklet on her life created posthumously.
Mary-Jo Kline Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alumna ('61), Mary-Jo Kline. The collection is primarily comprised of letters from Kline to her parents detailing her life at Barnard as well as correspondences between her and fellow alumna post graduation between 1962-1997.
Mary K. Kahl Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alum Mary K. Kahl. Kahl was an attorney and writer. This collection contains her unpublished fiction manuscripts (as well as one published historical nonfiction work), drafts, and notes.
Mary Mothersill Papers
Mirra Komarovsky Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of former Barnard College faculty member and alumna, Mirra Komarovsky.
Nan A. Rothschild Papers
This collection consists of the research and course materials of Nan A. Rothschild, a professor of Anthropology at Barnard College and Colulmbia University.
Ntozake Shange Papers
Ntozake Shange (1948-2018, BC ‘70) was an American playwright and poet. The Ntozake Shange Papers include manuscripts and drafts of works; correspondence; diaries and agendas; clippings, programs, and ephemera; teaching documents; personal and professional photographs; awards, memorabilia, and personal effects; and texts, music, and other works by others collected by Shange.
Patricia Ballou Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College librarian Patricia Ballou.
Pham Bach-Tuyet Notebooks
The collection consists of the undergraduate government and history class notebooks of Pham Bach-Tuyet, Barnard Class of 1961. It includes her class notes, reading notes, course outlines, bibliographies, draft essays and brief personal reflections on her coursework, international events, and her time at Barnard.
Quandra Prettyman papers
Robert McCaughey Papers
This collection contains research materials created and gathered by Barnard Emeritus Professor of History Bob McCaughey during his process of writing "A College of Her Own: The History of Barnard."
Rosalind Rosenberg Papers
The collection consists of topical research files of former Barnard College faculty member, Rosalind Rosenberg.
Sherry Suttles Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alum Sherry Suttles.
Shirley A. Siegel Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alumna, Shirley Adelson Siegel
Sue Larson Papers
Sue Larson joined the Philosophy Department at Barnard in 1965, where she taught Philosophy through the 1990s. The collection includes her philosophical writing, course curricula, and material documenting the activities of the Department of Philosophy. Larson's material may be useful to students studying Wittgenstein, animal cognition, music and emotion, 1968 counterculture, feminism, gender in education, theory of knowledge, and anyone researching the case of Linda LeClair.
Susan Einhorn Papers
Susan Riemer Sacks Faculty Papers
This collection consists of the papers of Barnard College faculty member Susan Riemer Sacks.