Showing Collections: 1 - 14 of 14
Barnard College Office of Admissions
This collection consists of the documents, correspondence, minutes, statistics, posters, and administrative materials of the Barnard College Office of Admissions.
Board of Trustees Biographical Files
The collection contains materials relating to the backgrounds and achievements of the members of the Barnard College Board of Trustees. Materials include curriculum vitae, newspaper and magazine clippings, interviews, obituaries, press releases, correspondence, memoranda, speeches, publications, and donor information sheets.
Dean's Office
This collection consists of the Barnard College Dean's Office records.
Development Office
This collection consists of development records which includes correspondence, memoranda, accounts, donor lists, appeals for funds, clippings, press releases, and information pertaining to the Thrift Shop.
General Faculty and Administrative Letters
This collection documents the official correspondence of the faculty and administrators of Barnard College from 1889-1904.
George Arthur Plimpton Papers
This collection consists of correspondence, Barnard College financial history and documents, and reminiscences of George A Plimpton. Plimpton was a Barnard College Trustee from 1889 to 1936 and Treasurer from 1893 to 1936.
Office of Career Development
This collection consists of the records of the Barnard College Office of Career Development.
Office of Communications records
This collection consists of press releases, annual reports, correspondence, clippings, programs, newsletters, questionnaires, invitations, address lists, minutes, schedules, printed materials, and photographs related to Barnard College communications, public affairs, and public relations.
Office of Provost and Dean of Faculty
This collection consists of documents from the Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculty of Barnard College. The collection includes memorandum, correspondence, reports, and studies.
Office of Student Experience and Engagement
This collection contains documents, memorandum, Milllie the Bear's mascot costume, and flyers from the Barnard College Activities Office.
Office of the Bursar
This collection consists of financial documents, donation information, statistics, and tax data from the Barnard College Bursar's Office.
Office of the Registrar
This collection consists of the records of the Barnard College Office of the Registrar. These records include admissions forms, forms concerning enrollment and grading, correspondence, topical files, statistics, and lists of students in various majors.
President's Office records
President's Office Records consist of correspondence, speeches, addresses, publications, reports, meetings minutes, journals, calendars, photographs, AV, and born digital material that were created and kept by the President’s Office.
Robert McCaughey Papers
This collection contains research materials created and gathered by Barnard Emeritus Professor of History Bob McCaughey during his process of writing "A College of Her Own: The History of Barnard."