Showing Collections: 351 - 400 of 431
Presidential Selection Committee
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Presidential Selection Committee.
President's Office records
The President's Office Records consist of correspondence, speeches, addresses, publications, reports, meeting minutes, journals, calendars, photographs, statistics, and event recordings created and received by the Barnard President’s Office.
Program in the Arts
This collection consists of materials that document the history of the Program in the Arts (1970-1989) at Barnard College.
Psychology Department records
This collection consists of records of the Barnard College Psychology department, including financial records, plans for department facilities renovations, and materials related to teaching and the curriculum.
Public Relations Calendar
This collection consists of the public relations calendar, which was published by the Public Relations Office. In the spring of 1988 the Barnard Bulletin began running a weekly calendar in its editions and the publication of the Public Relations Office Calendar ceased.
Quandra Prettyman papers
This collection consists of the Barnard College student publication, Qzine.
Rare Books Collection
This collection consists of rare books and pamphlets.
Reacting to the Past
This collection consists of materials from Reacting to the Past (RTTP). RTTP consists of elaborate games, set in the past, in which students are assigned roles informed by classic texts in the history of ideas.
Records of the Committee on Race, Religion, Identity, and Ethnicity (COE/CORRE/CORRIE)
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Committee on Race, Religion, Identity, and Ethnicity (COE/CORRE/CORRIE).
Recruitment Materials Collection
This collection consists of publications that detail the benefits of a Barnard College education to prospective student and current matriculates.
Religion Department
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Religion department.
This collection consists of the Barnard student publication, Reorientation, which served as an alternative to the college-issued student handbook.
Residential Life and Housing Collection
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard Residential Life & Housing Office.
Robert McCaughey Papers
This collection contains research materials created and gathered by Barnard Emeritus Professor of History Bob McCaughey during his process of writing "A College of Her Own: The History of Barnard."
Robert McCaughey Statistical Profile of the Barnard College Faculty, 1900-1974 Papers.
This collection contains research and materials related to the 1975 publication of A Statistical Profile of the Barnard College Faculty, 1900-1974, by Barnard professor of history Robert McCaughey.
Rona Wilk Papers
Rona Wilk’s collection contains materials related to her academic and personal life at Barnard from the late 1980s and early 1990s. The collection contains memorabilia and ephemera from her time as a student, including class schedules, syllabi, orientation materials, Barnard publications, T-shirts, buttons, and Barnard merchandise as well as playbills from theatrical productions Wilk attended while at Barnard.
Rosalind Rosenberg Papers
The collection consists of topical research files of former Barnard College faculty member, Rosalind Rosenberg.
Rose Gerstein Smolin Scrapbook
This collection consists of the scrapbook of Barnard College alumna Rose Gerstein Smolin.
Rosie the Riveter Transcripts
This collection contains typewritten transcripts of audio recorded interviews of various female workers from World War II and excerpts of two related publications.
Sabra Moore NYC Women's Art Movement Collection
This collection documents Sabra Moore’s involvement in the Women’s Art Movement, Women’s Caucus for Art, Women Artists in Revolution, Heresies Collective, and other feminist artist groups based in New York City from the 1970s to the mid-1990s. The collection consists of flyers, publications, artwork, t-shirts, correspondence, photographs, and protest ephemera conceived of, and created by, Moore and her artist colleagues.
Sara Jaffe Zinester Ephemera Collection
This collection consists of 2 VHS recordings and 8 t-shirts from zinester, Sara Jaffe.
Sarah From Zinester Ephemera Collection
Sawyer Lovett Zine Ephemera Collection
The Sawyer Lovett Zine Ephemera Collection contains original zine flats, phocopied stacks of Lovett's zines, hand-drawn posters, poetry edits, Bunny Ears Distro cards, and misc. postcards. Lovett's work thematically explores mental health, queerness, feminism, transmasculinity, and fandom culture.
Scrapbook of Bulletin Board Notices
This collection consists of scrapbooks containing notifications from administration to the students. The scrapbooks detail events and regulations at Barnard College.
Scrapbook of Newspaper Clippings
This collection consists of newspaper clippings related to Barnard College.
Scrapbook of Printed Bulletins, Notices, and Invitations
This collection consists of a scrapbook of printed bulletins and invitations released by Barnard College.
Scrapbook of Social Activities
This collection consists of invitations, ticket stubs, playbills and other materials related to the social events going on at Barnard College from 1924 to 1953.
Senior Week
This collection consists of programs, invitations, announcements, accounts, lists of officers of Senior Week committees, descriptions of Senior Week events, and other information and instructions relating to Senior Week.
Seven College Career Services
This collection consists of materials from the Seven College Career Services program.
Seven College Vocational Workshops
This collection consists of materials related to the Seven College Vocational workshops, which was a series workshops geared towards older women college graduates who wanted to enter or re-enter the job market.
SGA Newsletter
This collection consists of the Barnard College SGA Newsletter.
Sharon Irish Women Artists Ephemera collection
The Sharon Irish Women Artists Ephemera collection includes ephemeral materials collected by art historian Sharon Irish from primarily white, U.S.-based women artists in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Sherry Suttles Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alum Sherry Suttles.
Shirley A. Siegel Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alumna, Shirley Adelson Siegel
Songbooks and Musical Scores
This collection consists of songbooks and musical scores from Barnard College events and productions.
Sophie Parsons Woodman Scrapbook
This collection consists of the scrapbook of Barnard alumna Sophie Parsons Woodman. The collections includes newspaper clippings, photographs, and personal ephemera.
Soul Sister
This collection consists of Soul Sister, the student publication of the Barnard Organization of Black Women.
This collection consists of the Barnard College publication, Sources.
Spanish Department
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Spanish department.
Stella Bloch Hanau Scrapbook
This collection consists of the scrapbook and three diaries of Barnard alumna Stella Bloch Hanau. The scrapbook and diaries were created by Bloch preceding, during, and after her years as a Barnard College student. Most material is pertinent to Barnard College, but some is from her time at Wadleigh High School.
Sticks and Stones Zine
This collection consists of Sticks and Stones which is a collaborative zine created by the Barnard Zine Collective, formerly known as the Barnard Zine Club.
Strike Coalition
This collection contains fliers, resolutions, and agendas from Strike Coalition, a student group, from 1970.
Student Handbook
This collection consists of the various iterations of the annually published Barnard CollegeStudent Handbook, originally called theBarnard College Blue Book.
Student Life Handbooks and Residence Guides
This collection consists of Barnard College student life handbooks and residence hall guides. The 39 handbooks and guides include information about student life on and off campus including but not limited to residence hall regulations, social activities, and resources for mental and physical health.
Student Theater at Barnard (STAB) Records
This collection consists of materials from Student Theater at Barnard (STAB).
Student-Worker Solidarity
Students Helping Students
This collection contains mission statement and proposal fliers from Students Helping Students, a student group.
Sue Larson Papers
Sue Larson joined the Philosophy Department at Barnard in 1965, where she taught Philosophy through the 1990s. The collection includes her philosophical writing, course curricula, and material documenting the activities of the Department of Philosophy. Larson's material may be useful to students studying Wittgenstein, animal cognition, music and emotion, 1968 counterculture, feminism, gender in education, theory of knowledge, and anyone researching the case of Linda LeClair.