Barnard College
Found in 250 Collections and/or Records:
This collection consists of bound volumes of Barnardiana, an administrative publication released by the Barnard Public Relations Office for the faculty and staff of Barnard College. Photographs are included in later volumes.
Biology Department
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Biology department.
Black Heights
This collection consists of Black Heights, a magazine for and by African American students at Barnard and Columbia. It featured articles about art as well as original poetry and prose.
BLAIS Advisory Committee
This collection consists of materials from the BLAIS Advisory Committee.
Board of Trustees Records
Bottle of Wine
Published by the Barnard Literary Society, Bottle of Wine featured poetry, photography, drawings, fiction, and one-act plays by current Columbia University undergraduate students. This literary magazine only had one issue.
Buildings and Grounds
This collection consists of correspondence, accounts, reports, floor plans, blueprints, photographs, court papers, and memoranda relating to the construction and furnishing of campus buildings and landscaped areas.
Calendar of Official Meetings
The College Calendar of Official Meetings consists of bound volume date books chronicling events at the College for that year, including academic and board meetings, lectures, and special events.
Calendula: A Barnard Feminist Publication
This collection consists of Calendula: A Barnard Feminist Publication, which was a Barnard College student publication. It featured opinion pieces, a directory of feminist campus groups, events listings, articles, reviews, and poetry.
Campus Labor Unions and Labor Union Campaigns
Collection highlights Barnard campus labor unions and labor campaigns from 1972-2016. The collection consists of contracts and agreements between organizations and their employees, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, fliers, and memoranda from United Auto Workers (UAW) Union Local 2110 (formarly District 65). In 1996 UAW Local 2110 stiked against the college due to increasing healthcare costs. The 1996 strike is a highlight of the collection.
Career Services and Career Development Newsletter
This collection consists of newsletters from the Career Services and Career Development office. The newsletter listed listed job and internship offerings, events, information sessions, grants, and fellowships
Centennial Scholars Program
This collection consists of student projects and administrative documents from the Barnard College Centennial Scholars program.
Center for Accessibility Resources & Disability Services (CARDS)
Center for Toddler Development
This collection consists of materials from the Center for Toddler Development. The Center provides a forum for parents and caregivers to discuss and learn about the development of toddlers; to conduct research on early development and parenting; and to educate undergraduate students about toddler development.
Chemistry Department Records
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Chemistry Department.
Chief Administrators Biographical Files
This collection consists of documents and papers pertaining to Barnard College Presidents.
Circular of Information, Announcements, and Course Catalogs
This collection consists of the course catalogs released by Barnard College and Columbia University each year for Barnard students. Material within the course catalogs includes class listings, faculty listings, history of the relationship between Barnard and Columbia, degree requirements, entrance exam guidelines, and school calendars.
Círculo Club
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Círculo Club.
Class Day
This collection consists of programs from Barnard College Class Day.
Class of 1952 Collection
This collection consists of materials pertaining to the Barnard College class of 1952.
College Activities Office Happenings Calendar
This collection consists of the College Activities Office Happenings Calendar.
Committee on Admissions
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Committee on Admissions.
Committee on Committees
This collection consists of materials from The Committee on Committees.
Committee on Honors
This collection consists of materials from the Committee on Honors.
Committee on Institutional Assessment
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Committee on Institutional Assessment.
Committee on Instruction Records
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Committee on Instruction.
Committee on Internationalization
This collection consists of materials from the Committee on Internationalization.
Committee on Programs and Academic Standing
This collection consists of materials from the Committee on Programs and Academic Standing (formerly known as the Committee on Students' Programs and the Committee on Programs and Standing).
Committee to Meet the Needs of the Disabled (CMND)/Barnard Design for Access (BDA) records
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Committee to Meet the Needs of the Disabled (CMND)/Barnard Design for Access (BDA).
Common Ground
This collection consists of Common Ground, a student publication described as being an alternative newspaper, created in the hopes of building a coalition among progressive Columbia and Barnard student groups.
Communications Calendar of Events
This collection consists of administrative publications of events and communications.
Community Accountability, Response, and Emergency Services (CARES)
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Campus Security office.
Commuter Express
This collection consists of the publication Commuter Express.
Comparative Literature Department
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Comparative Literature department.
Craigie Club
This collection contains an autograph book from a Craigie Club, a Catholic religious association, dance, 1914.
Dance Club
This collection consists of a Dance Club program and ticket stub.
Dance Department
Deans’ Office for Advising & Support Records
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Deans' Office for Advising and Support, formerly known as the Office of the Dean of Studies. Collection materials include correspondence, memorandums, surveys, reports, meeting minutes, publications, and audio and video materials produced by the Dean for Academic Planning and Class Advising, formerly known as the Dean of Studies, and other administrators involved in academic advising.
Dean's Reports (1891-1952) and President's Reports (1952-2002)
This collection consists of Barnard College Dean's and President's Reports. They include an overview of recent and planned developments at the college, as well as summaries of problems and proposals.
Debate Club - Debate Council
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Debate Club and Debate Council.
Deutscher Kreis Records
This collection contains materials relating to Deutscher Kreis, the German Club at Barnard.
Development Office
This collection consists of development records which includes correspondence, memoranda, accounts, donor lists, appeals for funds, clippings, press releases, and information pertaining to the Thrift Shop.
Duer Family Papers
This collection consists of typewritten and handwritten manuscript history of the Durer family compiled by Alice Duer Miller.
This collection consists of the Barnard College student publication, Echoes. The magazine features students poetry, prose, and artwork.
Economics Department
This collection consists of materials from the Economics department.
Education Confrontation Club Records
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Education Confrontation Club.
Education Department
This collection consists of materials from the Barnard College Education Department.
Eleusinian Mysteries Book
This collection consists of manuscript volumes containing humorous poems, rankings of professors, and other humorous writings about Barnard.
Elizabeth Meads Duer Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Elizabeth Meands Duer.
Ella Weed Papers
This collection includes the correspondence of Ella Weed, chairman of the Academic Committee, to trustee members and faculty at Barnard College.